The developers dream editor

Today i became frustrated about my favourite editor kate. It’s a great tool, but it is still missing tools that a developer really needs everyday (e.g. replace in files). Also searching in opened files is a pain because the search text has to be entered for each file seperately. Why is it not possible to define the search text once and press F3 in each document tab?

Years ago i used PSPad on Windows, but sadly there is no Linux port available (using Wine is no option). So i began to search for a useful Linux GUI text editor and came across Komodo Editor.

It is enhanceable via plugins and seems to have all features i’m missing till now. The only feature i’m missing is the ‘block’ editing mode.

The fiollowing plugins seems to be useful:

P.S.: Emacs and vi are no options, i want to have a GUI 🙂